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大家好!首先我代表**旅行社欢迎你们来巢湖观光、游览,我是你们的导游**。今天我们的游程是这样安排的,上午游湖天第一胜境――中庙,观姥山岛,途中游湖滨大道、巢湖、龟山;中餐于圩里酒家就餐,下午游银屏山风景区,观千年奇花――银屏牡丹,仙人洞,后回温泉度假区休息。我们巢湖市是因巢湖而得名,它总面积9423平方公里,总人口450万,辖庐江县、无为县、含山县、和县以及居巢区,全境界于合肥、芜湖两市之间,周边与合肥、滁州、六安、安庆等市相接壤,隔江与芜湖、铜陵、马鞍山三市相对望。巢湖在商周时建南巢,春秋到巢国,秦汉设居巢,唐代置巢州,后来称县,84年改巢县为巢湖市,到了99年的时候国务院撤消了县级巢湖市,设立了地级巢湖市。我们巢湖的人文景观和自然景观都非常丰富,故称为“皖中大花园”,巢湖的特产也是相当多的,比如说巢湖蜂蜜,巢湖槐米,烟花爆竹,等等。 坊位于巢湖的西坝口,是湖滨大道的入口处,建于1994年仲夏,是一座仿古牌式坊古人文景观,雄立湖滨,气势恢弘,象征巢湖的东大门。石坊两侧有四副楹联,由方克逸亲自撰写。其中有“位列五湖,水秀出明千里锦;名驰四海,地灵人杰万年春”,分别由刘子善、王公寿等书法家题写。穿过古坊就来到了湖滨大道,湖滨大道东起巢湖市区,西至中庙镇,全长53千米,是集旅游、防洪、交通以及高科农业发展于一体,建于1991年的那次洪水过后,总投资2亿元。滨湖大道为三级柏油路面,沿途亭台水榭,花香草茂,自然成趣。市区西坝口路段,已成为市区早晨锻炼、假日郊游、周末垂钓和夏夜纳凉的最佳去处,与上海外滩有异曲同工之妙。滨湖大道还是观赏巢湖风光和体验巢湖民情的前沿,湖光山色与风土民情往往交映生辉,融为一体。规划中的湖滨大道,将兴建休闲度假村、湖滨浴场和水上游乐园等,最终成为吃、住、行、游、购、娱一条龙的皖中第一长廊。  我们巢湖的三珍呢,就是银鱼、白米虾和螃蟹。巢湖的出湖流域主要是裕溪河和牛屯河,通过他们流向长江。姥山岛的面积是0.86平方公里,海拔105米。郭若沐诗中有诗::遥看巢湖金浪里,爱它姑姥发如油,即指姑、姥二山。


Known as the jiangbei "the land of fish and rice " chaohu, located in anhui province, the total area 9423 square kilometers, covering doing nothing, LuJiang counties, including, mountain, using four county area, the end of 2002 a total population of 4.53 million people.

Chao lake tourist resources are rich, the humanities landscape is numerous, is in anhui tourist resort. A mountain, water territory, island, a spring, have holes. River, lake, hot springs, is chao lake "water act". The Yangtze river flows through the city 182 kilometers, take river shore, overpowering momentum; In eight hundred making ripples chao lake, the scenery is. Five essence landscape is famous. One is "a treasure landscapes" chao lake. Chao lake is one of the five largest fresh water lake in China, water is vast, lake towering mountains, the lake island abrupt, lakes and mountains, hand in photograph reflect. 2 it is "two gem" LaoShanDao,

heavenly island. Two island like two gem, were set in chaohu lake in the north and the Yangtze river. Three is "three string of pearls" half a soup, ShangChi, the xiangquan three hot springs. Four is the "four" jade mount tai lake, patio mountain, cages mountain, embodied the father of four mountain national forest park. Five is the "five a dragon temple" WangQiao hole hole hole, immortal, crape myrtle, huayang hole, poisson cave

Chaohu, has a long history and culture assemble. Here is the Yangtze river basin human ancestors "and county ape-man ",, "screen ape-man " thriving there is the place,

"ShangShang put hull in south nest ",, "wu zixu a zhao shut ",, "overlord wujiang to commit suicide," memorially, are the famous ding, feng yuxiang, zhang zhizhon g, LiKeNong, DaiAnLan birthplace, historically, many famous politician, strategist and scholars left here to many places of interest and brilliant prose, and lakes and mountains to overflowing in public, integrate into a series of unique scenery line.

Chaohu lake jin jiang, is the anhui province key opening one of the areas. It is located in hefei, wuhu, nanjing "golden triangle " hinterland, position superior, the transportation is

convenient. Can rely on close, weeds, better three airport and wuhu foreign trade terminal, to all over the world. Plus the sprawling rail road network, in urban and rural areas telecom broadcast networks, chao lake and the distance of the world today, very near.

In view of the unique advantages in chaohu city, anhui provincial party committee in order to establish anhui "mountains of water " tourism new pattern. Made "development chaohu largest tourism, market, industry ", and "construction along the back garden city of hefei and " of the major decisions. Chao lake is focused on "climaxing card, do the chao lake water ", after several years of uemitting efforts, and now the city has been completed and open in more than 100 travel scenic spot, scenic spot, with more than 30's tourism hotel, hotel and many travel agencies, roll out ceremoniously "chao lake water romantic swim ",, "lake island leisure entertainment,",, "health care on holiday hot spring swim ",, "peony GuanShangJie " the characteristic such as tourism projects.

Chao lake water beauty, beauty, people more beautiful mountain, more than four hundred people chaohu, warmly welcome you to travel and sightseeing


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