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【#写作翻译# 导语】转眼就要开学了,在英语第一堂课中我们高中生也许会需要用英文来作自我介绍,下面是®无忧考网收集整理的高一开学英语自我介绍,欢迎阅读借鉴。

【篇一】  It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,

I hope i can make a good performance today. I m confident that I can succeed.

Now i will introduce myself briefly

I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .

I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003.

I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July 2003, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I d like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.

I think I m a good team player and I m a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure. That s all. Thank you for giving me the chance

【篇二】  同学,

Dear all,

My name is Jacky.I am 16 years old.I am from Baoan Middle School.I am very glad to meet you all and hope we can get along with each other very well.I am a little shy.I like reading,play computer games and play basketball.Because reading can make us more and more cleaver and increase our knowledge.Playing computer games can help people reduce pressures and make people feel happy.As is know to all,playing basketball is a very good exercise for us to keep health.I hope we can be good friend and play together.In the new school,I will study more hard than before,because we need to learn more knowledge and it's more difficult.If not,I will not catch up with our classmates.

That’s all!Thanks for your attention!


我的名字是Jacky,我今年16岁.我来自宝安中学.我非常高兴在这里与你们相遇并且希望我们能相处得非常愉快.我有一点内向.我喜欢阅读、玩电脑游戏和打篮球.因为阅读能让我们变得越来越聪明并且增长我们的知识.玩电脑游戏能帮助人们减压,使人们感觉高兴.众所周知,打篮球是一个保持健康的运动.我希望我们能成为好朋友并一起玩.  在新的学样里,我将比以前更努力的学习,因为我们需要学习更多、更难的的知识.如果不努力,我将跟不上班上同学的学习.


【篇三】  Hello,everyone:

I'm a hingh school student in (你在的学校名字).The reason why I want to take part in this competion is that I'm very interested in English.Learning a foreign languang can make me more wise.Not only am I like English,but also I like music.music is a mysterious thing that help us relax ourselves.Because of music's this advantage,I have played the piano for 10 years.Althoung many people think it is very tired,but I never regret.On the contrary,I am very thankful to my parents.Withoue them I can't have so many scores.I love my parents.They have big influence on me.We ofen do some spots and go shopping together.They make me fill up with love.I wish we could live like this fover.

thank you!


2Dear teachers,

My name is Jacky.I am 6 years old.I am from Baoan Middle School.I am very glad to meet you all and hope we can get along with each other very well.I am a little shy.I like reading,play computer games and play basketball.Because reading can make us more and more cleaver and increase our knowledge.Playing computer games can help people reduce pressures and make people feel happy.As is know to all,playing basketball is a very good exercise for us to keep health.I hope we can be good friend and play together.In the new school,I will study more hard than before,because we need to learn more knowledge and its more difficult.If not,I will not catch up with our classmates.

That’s all!Thanks for your attention!





1.通过初中阶段对政治课的学习,你觉得政治是一门什么样的学科?如何评价它?你觉得学习政治课有没有用? 2.在初中阶段是如何学习政治课的? 总结学生发言得出:因为刚接触政治,而且中考政治的开卷考试给你们带来的印象就是政治课类似于休闲课,政治课很好学,只需要多翻翻书,就能拿分并且拿高分;第二个误区就是认为政治课没有用,不需要学习。

三、突出政治科在高考中的重要性,以激发学生学习政治科的兴趣。 1.突出政治科在高考中的重要性


简单地介绍一下高中三年的学习内容。(课件展示) 如果想让自己在商海里搏击并能够胜出的,那就必须认真学习高一上学期的《经济生活》,因为这将帮助你成就梦想,拥有更多的财富,有一个幸福的生活,做一个幸福的人;高一下学期的《政治生活》,就是帮你纵览国际风云,分析天下大势。如果你将来做个商人,那么这有助于依据国际形势巧妙地拓展市场,甚至是保护自己;高二上学期的《文化生活》将让我们领略到文化的巨大魅力,做一个有文化、有素质的人;高二下学期的《生活与哲学》,主要是将你从一个不大聪明的人培养成一个比较聪明的人。学生又很感兴趣了,我不大聪明?从而讲到哲学的概念,哲就是智,哲人就是聪明的人,爱智慧的人,古代最有学问的人就是哲学家。再讲到,现在无论是做人文研究还是做理工科研究,都会用到哲学的思维。它帮助你全面的分析问题,帮助你做一个理性的人。三年学习之后,会使你眼界更加开阔,考虑问题更加细致周到。当你与他人讲起这些社会经济政治问题的时候,人们将会对你刮目相看,称赞你是个有经济头脑、有政治远见、有文化素质和有哲学思维的人。








(二)教会学生正确阅读教材,充分预习好。 (1)本课程的知识层次: 本书的知识层次分单元、课题、框题(内容大体按一课时安排)、目题(是构成课文的基本单位,也是学习过程的基本环节),全书包括四个单元,每个单元包括三课及一个综合探究,每一课又包括两个框题,每个框题又下设若干目。

1.先看一下框题,尝试着去分析这一框与前一框的关系,这样有助于旧知识的重复记忆、新知识的学习。比如我们在预习《经济生活》第三课第二框题的时候,在第一框题《消费及其类型》中懂得了影响消费的因素、消费的类型和消费的结构之后,第二框题就讲树立正确的消费观,两框之间的关系因果关系。 2.读框题与目题,分析框题与目题、目题与目题之间的关系。在《树立正确的消费观》这一框题中,目题是《消费心理面面观》和《做理智的消费者》。





(2)本课程的文字构成及其不同要求: ◎正文,每一课的探究活动及宋体字部分属于正文;是学习的主体内容,是课本知识点的主要组成部分,也是要求学生必须掌握和教师教学过程中必须予以拓展的内容. ◎辅助文 ,包括三个栏目,名词点击、相关链接、专家点评;是学生一般性了解 ,或不作要求的内容,它要求教师在教学过程中,不需要进一步展开的内容

◎综合探究:属于一篇正式的课文,而非单元综合练习; “综合探究”所涉及的知识点是学生所掌握和教师在教学过程中要求拓展的,特别“综合探究”结尾的总结部分是学生一定要掌握的。








Hello,everybody!It is my honour to stand here to introduce myself to all of you!My name is *** ,I come from ** province,and that is such beautiful city and the people are so kind and friendly.i am good at playing basketball as Kebi! There are three members in my family,My parents and i,We live together happily.I want to study in the university some year later so i wish my dream will come true . Thank you!That is all!


Good morning/afternoon:

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview. I hope I can make a good performance today.My name is xx. I am 20 years old,born in a little village in Southern Zhejiang. My parents are farmers,and I am the only child. Though not well-to-do,the family always be hopeful. My major is engineering technology. I will graduate in July,2011. I have some hobbies like listening to music,swimming,and especially seeing western movies.

In the passed two years,I have learned some practical skills and gained some major certificates. I paid more attention to learn Engling,and I have passed CET4 in my efforts. I am looking forward to becom#ing a member of your com#pany . Thankyou!


Hello I'm ** and I am ** years old. I come from **middle school and I am a good student . I love sports, such as football and basketball, as well as music--you know, I like listening to Mozart's music very much. I like to help others. If you have any questions on English or some other subject, please ask me for help. That's all, thank you.


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